Friday, 25 November 2016

Reset IBM DS3524 / DS3512 RAID Manager Password

We have to use the below process to reset the password of IBM DS Storage array and to login to IBM DS storage array manager without password.
Reset IBM DS3524 / DS3512 RAID Manager Password

Telnet to both controllers IP-addresses (or use serial console via 4pin mini DIN plug in top left corner of both controllers), and type below once you get login prompt.

VxWorks login: shellUsr
Password: wy3oo&w4 (not shown as you enter it)

-> loadDebug
value = 1 = 0x1
-> setSAPassword_MT ""
ReturnCode = 0x1
value = 1 = 0x1
-> unld "Debug"
value = 0 = 0x0
-> exit
This removes the password, so you can configure through the DS Storage Manager without entering a password. Log on to controller B and follow the same steps.

No need to reboot, it should work immediately.


  1. Is there any risk to lose the content of the disks doing this procedure? I can't lose any data.

  2. Anyone can tell me about it? I'm afraid of doing this procedure and the storage wipes out the disks.
