Starting and Stopping Netbackup
Stopping Netbackup
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/K77netbackup --> graceful shutdown
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a --> check for any remaining processes
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all ---> kills all remaining netbackup processes, not necessarily graceful
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a --> check for any remaining processes
- kill -9 <pid> for any remaining. NOTE: unkillable processes may require a reboot
Starting Netbackup
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/S77netbackup --> after bp.kill_all, to restart
Common Tasks
Starting the
Administration GUI
- java from the windows client
- x-windows from the server - /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/xnb &
Checking Backup Status
- Activity Monitor or
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -report
Cleaning a tape manually
- Identify the drive name to be cleaned
- tpclean -L
- Manually clean the drive:
- tpclean -C <drive name>
Determining what tapes
were used for a backup
- Backup and Restore --> Find the file system --> Preview Media Button
- Find the correct backup images
- bpimagelist -U -client <CLIENT> -d <STARTDATE> -e <ENDDATE>
- Find the media used for those images
- bpimagelist -U -client <CLIENT> -d <STARTDATE> -e <ENDDATE> -media
Listing the files in a
Find the tape(s) used (above procedure using bpimagelist)
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/done
Run the following script and redirect it's output to a text file:
for file in `grep MOUNTING *|grep <MEDIA_ID>|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/:MOUNTING//'`
echo $file
grep PATH_WRITTEN $file|awk '{print $3}'
echo " "
echo "==========================================End of Image======================================"
echo " "
This process works for NBU V3.4:
Find the tape(s) used (above procedure using bpimagelist)
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/done
Run the following script and redirect it's output to a text file:
for file in `grep MOUNTING *|grep <MEDIA_ID>|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/:MOUNTING//'`
echo $file
grep PATH_WRITTEN $file|awk '{print $3}'
echo " "
echo "==========================================End of Image======================================"
echo " "
This process works for NBU V3.4:
- cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<CLIENT>
- ls -ltr --> this will identify the directory with the proper date
- verify directory with "bpdbm -ctime <Unixtime>
- cd <Unixtime>
- ls -ltr --> lists all of the backups for this client on this date
- cat <POLICY>_<Unixtime>_<BU Type>.f | awk '{print $10}' --> this prints out the files in the backup
For NBU > V3.4
- bpflist --help --> undocumented netbackup command to list files from a binary .f file
Inventory the Robot
- Inventory Robot --> /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmcheckxxx -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -list (where robot_type is tld, acs, . . .)
- Inventory Robot and Update Configuration --> /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmupdate -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -list (where robot_type is tld, acs, . . .)
Listing Properties of
the Volume Pools
- vmpool -listall
Scratch Tapes
- Count scratch tapes: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -pn Scratch | grep -c "robot slot"
- Moving tapes to the scratch pool
- If Needed - Expire the tape
- bpexpdate -ev <TAPE ID> -d 0 -force -host <Media Manager>
- Move the tape
- vmchange -p 2 -m <TAPE ID>
Checking Drive Usage
- /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd
Taking a drive down or
- /usr/openv/volmgr/vmoprcmd -down <drive index>
- /usr/openv/volmgr/vmoprcmd -up <drive index>
Performing a Restore
- From the GUI
- user backup & restore --> configuration --> client
- user backup & restore --> configuration --> client to restore
- directory to search
- directory depth
- date range
- file --> browse backups for restore
Adding New Tapes to the
- Using the GUI
- Media Management --> Actions --> New --> Single Volume . . -->
- Media Type (ie DLT)
- Robot Type (ie TLD)
- Media ID (from Inventory)
- Slot Number (from Inventory)
- Robot Number (ie 0)
- Volume Group
- Volume Pool (ie Scratch)
- Using the CLI
- vmadd -m <media id> -mt <tape type> -verbose -rt <robot type> -b <barcode> -rn <robot number> -rc1 <slot> -p <pool number> -mm <max mounts>
- vmpool -listall --> lists all pools, both name and number
- For example: vmadd -m 000151 -mt dlt -verbose -rt tld -b 000151 -rn 0 -rc1 8 -p 2 -mm 0
Re-using Tapes from
other systems or older Netbackups
- Expire the media
- bpexpdate -ev MEDIA_ID -d 0 -force -host HOST
- Deassign the media
- vmquery -deassignbyid MEDIA_ID 4 0
- Move to the scratch pool
- vmchange -m MEDIA_ID -p POOL#
- Relabel the media
- bplabel -ev CIM572 -d dlt -p Scratch
Changing the attributes
of media
- Changing the barcode
- vmchange -barcode CYM100D -m CYM100
- Changing the Volume Pool
- vmchange -m MEDIA_ID -p POOL#
To expire media
- bpexpdate -ev <medai id> -d 0 -force -host <media server>
To unfreeze media
- List the frozen media
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/available_media | grep -i FROZEN
- Unfreeze the media
- bpmedia -unfreeze -ev <media id> -h <media server>
To relabel a tape
- bplabel -ev <media id> -d <tape density> -p <pool name>
- bplabel -ev 000687 -d dlt -p TriVrgt_OFFSITE
To remove media from the
Netbackup database
- Verify that there are no images on the tape
- bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L
- Expire the tape
- bpexpdate -ev 000687 -d 0 -host scorpius -force
- Get the status and pool number of the tape
- vmquery -m 000687
- Deassign the tape
- vmquery -deassignbyid <media id> <pool number> <status code from vmquery -m>
- vmquery -deassignbyid 000687 4 0x0
- Delete the tape
- vmdelete -m 000687
Installing the Netbackup
- /update_clients -ForceInstall -ClientList /tmp/clients.lst
- requires that TMPDIR and TEMPDIR be set correctly
Excludng files from
backup on a client
- Create /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list
- Put the file specifications of the files/directories to be excluded
- /mnt/directory/*
Displaying Information
about a Tape
- vmquery -m <media id> --> Displays attributes about a particular tape
- bpmedialist -U -mcontents -ev 000687 --> Displays media contents
- bpmedialist -U -mlist --> List of all media
- bpmedialist -U -mlist -ev CYM966 --> Listing of a particular media id
- bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L --> Listing of images on a tape
Robtest Commands
- Starting robtest
- robtest
- 1 --> to select TLD 0
- Getting help
- ?
- Looking at contents of the tape drives
- s d
- Looking at the contents of the library
- s s
- Moving a tape from a drive to a library slot
- s d --> to identify drive number that has tape (Contains Cartridge = yes, Barcode=XXXXXX)
- s s --> to identify an empty slot in the tape library (Netbackup will need to be re-inventoried)
- m d# s# --> from from drive # to slot #
- s d --> verify the tape drive is empty
- s s --> verify the library slot has the tape
Configuration Files
- configuration file, sets backup server and backup clients
- force statement must be correct
- client to browse from
- client to restore to
To utilize logfiles, create the corresponding
directory in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs
Server Logfile directories:
Server Logfile directories:
- admin - adminstrative commands
- bpbrm - backup and restore manager
- bpcd - client daemon
- bpdbjobs - database manager program process
- bpdm - disk manager process
- bpjava-msvc - Java application server authentication service
- bpjava-usvc - process that services Java requests
- bprd - request daemon process
- bpsched - scheduler process that runs on master servers
- bptm - tape/optical media management process
- user-ops - required directory for use by Java programs
- xbpadm - X based administration utility
- xbpmon - X based job monitor process
Client Logfile directories:
- bp - client user interface process
- bparchive - archive program
- bpbackup - backup program
- bpbkar - program that generates golden images
- bpcd - client daemon
- bpjava-msvc - Java application server authentication service
- bpjava-usvc - process that services Java requests
- bplist - program that lists backed up and archived files
- bpmount - program that determines local mountpoints and wildcard expansion for multiple streams
- bphdb - Oracle database backup program start process
- db_log - database specific extension log
- tar - tar process log during restores
- user_ops
Media Manager logging automatically goes to the
system log using syslogd logging facility
.Logging will only occur if these directories
are created. These directories will generate a lot of data and should be
deleted when no longer necessary.
To increase the amount of logging information set VERBOSE=2 in /usr/open/netbackup/bp.conf (default is VERBOSE=1)
To increase the amount of logging information set VERBOSE=2 in /usr/open/netbackup/bp.conf (default is VERBOSE=1)
Useful Commands
bpcllist - list classes
bpclinfo <class> -L --> displays info about a class
vmpool - volume pools
vmpool -listall
vmpool -listscratch
bplabel -ev <media id> -d hcart
bpbackup db --> backs up the catalog
bpclclients <policy> --> lists the clients for a particular policy (class)
bperror -statuscode <-- displays
information about the netbackup error.
No Backups are running:
No Backups are running:
- Check system log file for error messages
- Stop and restart all the netbackup processes
- Look for a downed drive
- /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd
- /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -up 0 --> this will bring up drive 0 if it's control shows as down
- Look for pending requests
- /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd or gui --> device management
- If there is a pending request either re-assign it to a drive, or deny the request
Downed drive does not
come back up or does not stay up
- Check for a hardware problem by looking for messages on the tape library
- Make sure there is not a tape stuck in the drive
- Use robtest (described above) to look at the drives
- If there is a tape stuck in the drive, try to remove it using robtest
- If robtest fails, then you must manually remove it.
Verify the Client is
communicating properly:
- bpclncmd -ip <ip address> --> from both client and server
- bpclntcmd -hn <hostname> --> from both client and server
- bpclntcmd -pn --> from client only
Device Actions
Device Management --> info about tape drives
- dlt
- hcart (ultrium)
Media Actions
Media id must agree with # of the tape
Create a media id
Create a media id
- actions -->new-->single volume-->dlt cart (not dlt2)
- put it into the "netbackup" volume pool
Netbackup Client
To check things out do this:
It could be a couple things. Mostly DNS, bp.conf, or something stupid. On
the client run this command
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -pn
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -server "server name"
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd ip "ip_address"
One of these usually fails and your able to fix it right off
1074 ./bpclntcmd -hn corpbu1
1075 ./bpclntcmd -ip
1076 ping
1077 ./bpclntcmd -hn corpldv1
1078 ./bpclntcmd -hn
1079 ping corpldv1
1080 ./bpclntcmd -ip
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